Submitting Take-Down Requests

Although we try to avoid it, sometimes it happens: we post something whose copyright you own. When we embed photographs, we make a good faith effort to source the file to show that it is in the public domain. When we use copyrighted material, we try very hard to make sure that the rules of fair use apply.

If you have an issue with any of our embedded media, please contact us straight away at SoupAndNuts at Yahoo dot com. If you choose to go through the DMCA process instead, be sure that it is actually a copyright violation that you’re reacting to.

  • Using the DMCA rules to take down things that are merely offensive to you and have nothing to do with copyright rules is the mark of childish petulance—not to mention illegal, and Soup and Nuts will expose you in a very public way should you choose that route.

If you’re offended by a post, you can also submit a take-down request for the post and Soup and Nuts editorial staff will review the complaint, but be advised that it is vanishingly unlikely that any changes will be made because of the complaint. Soup and Nuts takes the view that, actual libel notwithstanding, being offended is simply a part of life in a hypersensitive world.

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