Welcome to Soup And Nuts

Soup and Nuts hosts articles on a wide variety of topics. From music and pop culture to commentary on political policy and current events; from science and technology to mathematics and physics to extended topics on pedagogy and education.

As we add content, we also welcome your comments and opinions. The writing styles of each of the contributors is as varied as the opinions they deliver. Soup and Nuts  does not hold any contributor to any journalistic standard, nor do we force their content into any particular style or template. All content is basically free form to allow each contributor to explore their space and to challenge any paradigm or taboo they choose without restriction. (The editors will probably limit incitement to violence or overt hate speech, though, for the sake of safety or liability.)

Now go, and let us entertain you with our opinions, our erudition, and—when those are lacking—our typos and logical fallacies.

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